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Diseñamos y Analizamos el mundo IoT

Nos apasiona el Internet de las Cosas, sabemos que nos hará una sociedad mejor y queremos formar parte de este cambio tecnológico y social. Por lo que aportamos nuestro granito de arena creando productos y servicios enfocados al IoT así como el análisis de los datos recopilados.

¿Tienes una idea para desarrollar?

Queremos ser tus compañeros en este viaje. Comparte con nosotros tu idea, y te ayudaremos a desarrollarla y hacerla realidad.

Te ofrecemos una serie de servicios entre los que destacamos


Diseñamos placas PCB y sensores.

Programación & Desarrollo

Programamos microcontroladores, microprocesadores, sensores, etc.


Fabricamos placas PCB, sensores, etc.

Planificación de Proyectos

We provide everything your site needs to perform at its highest capabilities on the major search engines.

Análisis de datos

With digital marketing, your business can expand into new areas and achieve tremendous accomplishments.

Consultoría Tecnica

Turn your data into captivating artwork that will keep your audience engaged. Our team can help you with it.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Our professional support team try to do their best to provide you with high-quality consultations concerning any questions about our services.

Nacho Tizón



Sensores conectados.


Proyectos realizados.


de datos recopilados.


Tecnología Sostenible.

¿Por qué elegirnos para realizar tus proyectos?

We are a team of professional and enthusiastic people, who like what they do and are always in the process of growing and improving their skills.

Our work process


Meeting With The Customer

The first meeting is very important to get acquainted and discuss the main ideas of the project.


We Consider And Analyze The Work Plan

When we understand the main ideas, we proceed to discuss the work plan and analyze it.


Work Hard On The Project

Our professional team starts to work on your project and embody all details of the initial concept.


Once Again We Analyze And Check Everything

We meet, analyze and check the work we done on the project and make any necessary changes.


We Finish The Project And Send It To The Customer

The project is completed and we give it to our customer. We also ask for customer’s feedback.